March 30, 2010

Jangan Baca Kalau Cepat Tersinggung

I was going through Art Harun's picture comments, when one comment made me pause and reflect on things. A Non-Muslim man commented that "The biggest enemy of Islam are Muslims themselves"

and I couldn't agree more.

I'll try to write down my thoughts systematically now as many things are going through my head. Allow me to write ala che' det for awhile.

1.Let us not make the assumption that this man is someone that is against Islam. Let us take it as an advice from an outsider. An external auditor if you may. This man is just trying to rationalise the hukm of our religion from his logic, and he is entitled to his opinion.

2. As a person who is more inclined to internal locus of control, I tend to believe that whatever problem that an individual/society have, is the result of his/hers/its own doing. As in this case the negative perception of Non- Muslims have on us, Muslims, IS the result of our own doing.

3. Yes, I am aware that, there are spin doctors whom are out there to make our image look bad, spreading lies about the religion and all that. But don't you think we are making their jobs a WHOLE LOT easier by the way we act, and the things that we say? Islam says protect and respect women, and Muslim men does the COMPLETE opposite. The ones that are doing the OPPOSITE of what Allah has asked us to, buang anak, tindas orang lemah, zalim, siapa? Lately, the Muslims that actually have the RARE oppurtunity to set the records straight says the darnest things, which pisses me off to great length. Have we ran out of rationale, articulate Muslims?

4. Like it or not, Muslims across the world are being ridiculed for being backwards. Of course, I don't agree with the certain Western definitions of "civilised". But seriously, bombing civilians to get your message across? What is your message anyway?? Islam is the religion of peace?Oh, really? Can you really blame people if they see us as savages? What about that stupid pedophile who married an eleven year old kid? What are you trying to prove? Why bring religion into your dastardly perverted fantasies?

5. It is tiring to explain to Non-Muslims that Islam does not preach stupidity and ignorance. Islam is the opposite of that. A lecturer whom I really respect have once said that "Islam appeals to the mind, Christianity appeals to the heart". Why can't we Muslims live by it? I see Non- Muslims whom are more well-versed about our Hadith and Quran rather than the Muslims ourselves. What are the Muslims doing? Watching Akademi Blardy Fantasia? Sibuk ngan Ministry of Sound? hebat sangat ke tonggang air kencing setan segala?

6. Islam stresses heavily on seeking knowledge and exercising our aql. Even the first revealed verse is about seeking knowledge. Read!Read!Read!And what are we doing now? Come crises on certain Islamic rulings, and we can't give proper answers to Non-Muslims. Why? Because we don't understand our own religion. No uselah join fanpage I love Allah la, apa lah, but you dont practise what you preach.

7. Whether you can accept it or not, Muslims are the biggest enemy to Islam. a religion is judged based on its followers. If the followers are evil, won't it taint the image of the religion itself?

8. I apologise if I sound rude, but it's the truth. I remind myself before I remind others. I myself have a long way to go. The ball is in our hands. Do you still want to be the enemy of your own faith?


  1. situasi buang anak yg kembali bermaharajalela shows that da beberapa lamanya kita kembali hidup seperti pada zaman is our role then untuk menuju ke zaman kebangkitan..sejarah akan berulang adalah sunnatullah, dan janji Allah adalah benar..

    keep writing!

  2. yeah it's sad really how thing go in circles nowadays. For example, Muslim scholars were respected during those days for their ability to rationalise things and their in depth knowledge about Islam and other religion, which was one of the factors for the spread of Islam. Now? Orang lain pulak yang study our religion and uses it against us. And most of us Muslims have no idea how to rebuke and defend our stance. Macam kita la pulak masyarakat jahil. And we Muslims are still blaming it on others.

    Memanglah there will always be people whom are against us, but what are we doing to defend? NOTHING. Balik- balik kita suruh derang diam, without providing the right reasons. Why should they respect us when we can't argue intellectually??

    hahaha..i cam emo jap...
