May 31, 2009

Random is as Random can be

Ya, saya tahu saya dah lama tak blog, dan kekerapan memblog(betul ke tatabahasa?)sangatlah kurang. Tapi bukan ramai orang yang baca blog ni pun, kalau ada pun, muka-muka yang memang tahu perkembangan hidupku, so takpelah kan? Takpe, untuk hiburan korang, aku cuba mereka, eh, memberi alasan munasabah kenapa aku jarang blog. Therefore, in no order of importance, the top ten reasons why I don't blog/ I blog sparringly.

1. Aku banyak kerja.

Ini memang agak tipu walaupun ada kebenarannya (pandai-pandai paham sendiri). Hidup saya memang kurang produktif. Bangun, pergi kerja, balik kerja, bukak tenet, tidur. Kadang-kadang saya bersosial. Selalunya tidak. Hidup saya bukan kehidupan seorang rockstar. Mungkin ini membawa kepada alasan no.2.

2.Saya tiada bahan penulisan untuk memblog

Hidup saya agak membosankan. Saya seorang hermit. Hermit tu apa? kau memang tak suka menggoogle. Hermit tu bukan kermit. Hermit tu manusia yang suka menyendiri, duduk dalam hutan, makan akar kayu, bertapa atas batu, tak suka jumpa orang. Aku pun tak tahu hermit tu hobi dia apa. Mungkin dia pun suka dengar The Strokes cam aku. Mungkin dia pun sangat ketagih buku Paulo Coelho. Sumpah aku tak tahu. Kermit tu apa? Zaman kanak-kanak kau mesti kosong gila. Apa kau buat? Kermit tu katak dalam Sesame Street la...reporter yang suka cover cerita-cerita bodoh. Biasalah, katak bawah tempurung, orang makan buah pun dia excited. Walaupun begitu, Kermit the frog mempunyai etika kewartawanan yang lebih hebat dari wartawan hiburan Malaysia. Serious. Aww, Mama Juwie janganlah marah, OK AKU BARU PERASAN AKU LARI DARI TOPIK LAGI!!!

3.Aku malas
Memang aku suka menulis. Kawan- kawan dari sekolah semua tahu. Tapi semua orang pun tahu aku ni memang malas. Mungkin sebab aku Melayu. Mungkin sebab aku memang begitu. Tapi nak start menulis tu memang seksa. Seksa seksa seksa. Jadi aku pun tak menulis. Bukannya sebab ada benda bapak best nak buat pun. Jangan marah lin, lain kali i rajin hapdate blog ni. Kalau tader benda nak tulis I hapdate muka you yang comel cam Hamster tu. Pastu blog ni jadik shrine untuk you, berjuta orang datang sini nak tenung muka you tengah masak, makan, senyum, tidur, ok, i tatau memang i tader gambar tu semua SEKARANG, tapi nanti i bley jadik stalker sebab i dah tade kerja. Serius. Jangan pandang belakang. WOIII JANGANLAH PANDANG BELAKANG!!!!

4.Aku Diva
Sebab aku Diva aku tanak komen banyak banyak. Sila tunduk hormat kepada aku. Ya, tunduk lagi. Ok, sekarang pergi kedai belikan i eskrem. Eh, eskrem Malaysia apa kelas dengan I yang Diva nih..

5. The moment has gone by..
Selalu bila aku lepak, dan tader access Internet, memang banyak gila idea apa nak tulis. Ataupun benda-benda yang boleh dikira best dibuat dan best diblog tu ada. Tapi sebab selalu tangguh, benda tu dah jadi basi. Dah tak best dah nak bercerita.

Ok, tau, aku memang janji sepuluh, tapi dah tader alasan lain la...So in a nutshell, apa aku buat selama 1 minggu nih?

- lepak ngan kawan-kawan kat Uptown/Rasta/Mosin/Santai/flea markets
- went for an Isaac Entry's show at Laundry
- overall a good weekend
- i hate waking up early in the morning to go to work.

May 21, 2009

The Day I Stopped Believing In Us

I stopped believing today.

It is just disgusting how God gave us human the single most coveted thing wanted by all his creations, and we put it all to waste. Here we are, complaining about why is God treating us unfair, how He shouldn't let the people suffer, the usual Hi-God-I-Really-Need-Some-Help-Down-Here-In-Case-You-Didn't-Notice routine when frankly, God has nothing to do with the mess that we created ourselves.

I doubt it was God that asked the father to eat his son's eyeballs out.
I doubt it was Divine Intervention that made the guy rob and murder a pregnant lady.
I doubt it was God that decided it would be fun to wage a war against a country for your own SELF-INTEREST(not to be confused with SELF-DEFENSE).

It does not matter if you believe in YHWH,Jesus, Buddha, Allah or you don't believe in any at all. The ability to think is granted to each and everyone of us. In Islam, that is the greatest gift that Allah has given to us, and how many of us truly appreciate it by putting it into good use? I'm sure Muslims out there would attest to the statement, but how many of us really do understand the power of the gift?How many of us took the idea for granted? For the sake of discussion let's create a hypothetical world where we do exercise our mind regularly. In that world

  • governments will see it pointless to force their idealogies on their people or to people of different nation because they would UNDERSTAND that humans are individuals that came from different CULTURES and BACKGROUNDS that made them THINK differently.

  • Hate crimes is minimized if not ceased to exist

  • Man will respect one another which includes respecting other's properties, families, lives,etc

  • Man will realise that it is pointless to be greedy, it's not like you're able to bury your BMWs and Patek Phillippe watches down their graves and enjoy looking at them/(ok, I've realised after writing this that some cultures do believe that they are able to take material things back, but you get my gist,aite?)

I'm not that much of a theorist, so I'm unable to give you a clearer picture, but basically, the world would be a better place if we could just THINK. And yeah, some of the stuffs mentioned are highly debatable, but it's hypothetical. Stop blaming an external force for whatever you get, and start taking the credits for yourself whether it is good or bad. Say you are given the state of the art,uber-fancy kitchen, with all the freshest ingredients for you to prepare a say, Foie Gras. If you don't know how to prepare one, and attempting to make one turned disastrous, was it the fault of the kitchen owner?(Again, bad analogy, but I'm no writer)

Our common sense is screaming to be heard, the heart wills us to listen but our idiocy prevails.

I stopped believing that mankind can act on rational thoughts.

I stopped believing that mankind is able to be kind at all.

But I do DAMN hope, with all of my heart that mankind could prove me wrong on this one.

May 10, 2009

Kisah Si Timah

ain kata:
timah sedang menulis dalam diarinya..sambil tersengih…aku rasa sudah sampai masanya aku melangkah ke alam dewasa.. lalu dia menulis, oh diari! Aku akan bagi b-j pertamaku kepada Sameon esok pada pukul 3.53 petang di dalam stor sekolah!! Wish me luckzZzzZ!!!!

aku kata:
timah:alam dewasa tidak seindah yang disangka. aktiviti yang dilakukan tidak membuahkan hasil hasil yang aku impikan..bunga-bunga cinta apatahkan lagi...timah kecewa. kenapa cikgu sameon menyepikan diri.oh tidak!!plan 3.53 petang tidak menjadi. Diari, aku kecewa!!!tidak mengapa, esok ada si Faizal memberikan sinar harapan...WATAFAK!!!

Profil Si Timahaka Pompuan Kerdus
Perempuan Melayu selendang jarang merelip dengan baju baby-T sendat dan pendek. Oh ya, dan kalau dia mampu beli, eyeshadow yang sangat kontra dengan baju dan kaler muka. Sebagai contoh, eyeshadow lime green dikenakan dengan baju biru, selendang jarang merelip warna pink, muka gelap. Sangat tidak padan. Kalau bodoh pakai mekap sila jangan pakai. Macam aku, memang bab-bab mekap ni tersangatlah R-tard. Tak perlu pakai. Habis cerita.

cerita ini tiada kena-mengena dengan timah yang kami kenal(ade ke kawan aku panggil timah?hmm).Inilah hasil minda road-block akibat ketandusan kerja di pejabat.

May 3, 2009

Weekend Stolly-Molly

I strive for this three things in life.

Good food, good book, good adventure.

Selama aku hidup ni memang kalau ada cukup duit nak dapat 3 benda tu, i'll consider myself as the luckiest person on Earth. So, sila ambil perhatian rakan-rakanku dan bakal suami-suamiku (eh, satu je yek boleh?dem...), ada benda ni i dah lap-lap u!!!..Ok, back from the intermission,I was contented when I managed to fulfill two out of three things; i'e: good food and good book(s).

Of course la, there's others like good music. good company etc, but I like the ring of those three.Heheh.

Anywhoo, was it last Wednesday when me, Sara, Malin, Zar, Fly,Jua and Mel went to the most awesome fatty crab restaurant. Gila bapak best doh, makan seafood macam singa laut for less than RM 40 each *sighs*. Went to Taman Megah to catch up on good friends, apa ntah nama kedai dia but they have this super amazing chicken wing, chicken wing paling sedap yang aku pernah makan selama 22 tahun aku hidup kat dunia ni. Perghh!!!.Sara!nanti sila upload gambar kita camwhoring (cam sial camwhoring kat kedai cikai tepi jalan, gila mencapap)

Masa Hari Buruh tu, pergi MPH Warehouse Sale!!!I have to say I did not regret sacrificing by not going to the Zara sale. They have a wider range as compared to last year's warehouse sale. The only problem is I dont have enough cash (duhh!asal shopping je mesti tak cukup duit.)I bought five gorgeous tittles for only RM60!!el-cheapo giler siut..The titles are
    A Beautiful Mind; Sylvia Nasar

    Fish- A Memoir of a Boy In A Man's Prison; T.J. Parsell

    The Devil And Miss Prym;Paulo Coelho

    A Thread Of Grace; Mary Doria Russel

    MERDE happens; Stephen Clarke

All in all two out of three things achieved, is an overall good weekend :), now if you could excuse me, I would like to search for random new music so I could make my weekends perfect. Heheh